Steve Nieve

composer / sound designer

import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Button, Input } from "@/components/ui"; import { Howl } from "howler"; // Define piano keys and their corresponding note names (1.5 octaves, chromatic scale) const pianoKeys = [ { note: "C", key: "C4", color: "white" }, { note: "C#", key: "C#4", color: "black" }, { note: "D", key: "D4", color: "white" }, { note: "D#", key: "D#4", color: "black" }, { note: "E", key: "E4", color: "white" }, { note: "F", key: "F4", color: "white" }, { note: "F#", key: "F#4", color: "black" }, { note: "G", key: "G4", color: "white" }, { note: "G#", key: "G#4", color: "black" }, { note: "A", key: "A4", color: "white" }, { note: "A#", key: "A#4", color: "black" }, { note: "B", key: "B4", color: "white" }, { note: "C", key: "C5", color: "white" }, { note: "C#", key: "C#5", color: "black" }, { note: "D", key: "D5", color: "white" }, { note: "D#", key: "D#5", color: "black" }, { note: "E", key: "E5", color: "white" }, { note: "F", key: "F5", color: "white" }, { note: "F#", key: "F#5", color: "black" }, { note: "G", key: "G5", color: "white" } ]; export default function Piano() { const [selectedNotes, setSelectedNotes] = useState([]); const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: "", email: "", phone: "", address: "" }); const playNote = (note) => { if (selectedNotes.length < 5) { setSelectedNotes([...selectedNotes, note]); new Howl({ src: [`/sounds/${note}.mp3`] }).play(); } }; const handleSubmit = async () => { if (selectedNotes.length !== 5) { alert("Please select exactly 5 notes."); return; } if (! || ! || ! || !formData.address) { alert("Please fill in all fields."); return; } const response = await fetch("/api/store-notes", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ ...formData, notes: selectedNotes }) }); if (response.ok) { alert("Submission successful!"); setSelectedNotes([]); setFormData({ name: "", email: "", phone: "", address: "" }); } else { alert("Error submitting data."); } }; return (

Select Five Notes

{{ note, key, color }) => ( ))}

Selected Notes: {selectedNotes.join(", ")}

setFormData({ ...formData, name: })} /> setFormData({ ...formData, email: })} /> setFormData({ ...formData, phone: })} /> setFormData({ ...formData, address: })} />
); }

All content is the property

of Steve Nieve and

© Steve Nieve 2025